Only after a year, Redbox Instant stated that the service will shut down on October 7th. For those of you who don’t know what Redbox Instant is, it’s a partnership with Verizon that allows unlimited movie streaming for just $8.00 a month. This service includes 4 DVD credit and all the streaming your heart desires every month.
Redbox Instant is a direct Netflix and Amazon Instant Video competitor which struggled to gain subscribers. Netflix has mastered the movie streaming and Redbox just didn’t have big enough library of movies. Of course Netflix had a bit of a hard time getting up off the floor, but they allowed unlimited DVD and Blu-Ray rentals to go along with streaming videos. Redbox tried to do the same by giving rental credits for movies at their kiosks, but you could only use the credit for 2 or 3 movies.
So what happens to those who already subscribed the the Redbox Instant?
Redbox announced that you will receive a refund for one month. That is if you haven’t used a full month of service since September 8th. However, any Redbox Kiosk credit need to be used by October 7th, or the credit will disappear!
So for now, Netlix is till crowned master video streamer…for now.