TV Black /White or Color, then and now….WOW!
“ One electric devise that defies the test of time is the television”
I have to laugh when I was asked to write about TV’s. Being from the baby boomer era, I think they thought I was born before TV was even created…lol
Definition of TV: A system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education.
My grandfather owned an RCA/Appliance store. The first TV I remember watching was a color RCA television. No one had ever heard of Sony ( Sony -1960 launched their first TV) or any of the many companies that produce TV’s today. I remember vividly all of the TV’s that were in the front of his store. They were so large and bulky.
If you had told me 10 years ago that I would be watching a TV that was so clear you can see the texture of the feathers on the penguins, I would have never believed it. I like to watch tv, and was fine with the tv I have, even though it is 10 years old. The picture is good in my mind. Let me tell you working in the home automation industry has sure opened my eyes,
Thinking about the quality of the pictures on TV from the 1960-1980’s they seemed to be hazy, no sharp edges or strong color. Some shows were still broadcast only in black and white. How would “Mr. Ed” look today on a 4K screen? Remember when the Wizard of OZ was first shown, first 1/2 in black and white and the second 1/2 in color?
The TV in our showroom was changed to a Sony 65” 4K with an Apple TV. I did not understand why it was being change out, the existing TV was good….holy cow. The new SONY 65” 4K is amazing. The clarity, color, details, sound and the over all image is a show stopper. The detail is so specific you can see the veins of a lemon wedge.
The industry and technology has made such great strides since the 60ies. We are able to watch TV through any number of devises, streaming, satellite, blu-rays to name a few.
It is a learning process for me, as it is with many people. Yes, I will be upgrading my TV. A Smart TV is the way I plan on going.
By Kim Murphy, A.I.C.